
Chapter One :Chapter 1

"Here's one million, leave my son."

"Girl, don't think that just because you're slightly better looking than others, you can rise up from a chicken to a phoenix. The Lin Family is not a place a nobody like you can dream on entering! I'm warning you to be sensible, take the check and leave this instant!"

Slightly mean-looking woman with delicate makeup said to Qiao Qi arrogantly in the cafe that night.

Qiao Qi lowered her head and her gaze paused at the check on the table for a second.

She then slowly raised her head and stared at the woman in front of her with her bright eyes. "I'm sorry, Auntie. I can't accept this money."

"You think it's too little?" The woman said as she raised her eyebrows, her eyes filled with sarcasm.

She had guessed that deep down, the seemingly innocent girl was actually horribly greedy!

She took out a check from her handbag with a cold face and was about to fill it in when Qiao Qi interrupted her. "Auntie, you've misunderstood me. Lin Zongxuan and I are just ordinary classmates. I asked him here because I wanted to talk to him about something."

A few days ago, her father was diagnosed with a serious illness and needed a new kidney.

The cost of the operation would cost as much as 500,000 yuan. She came from a regular, middle-class family, and they could not afford to pay such an amount.

Her mother had gone to her friends and family to borrow money, but it still was not enough. In the end, she had no choice but to meet up with Lin Zongxuan so that she could borrow some money from him.

Lin Zongxuan was a well-known rich kid in her school and had been pursuing her for a long while.

However, because the National College Entrance Examinations were near, Qiao Qi had never said yes to him.

This time, she put down all of her pride and dignity, and asked him out, only to unexpectedly come to face with Lin Zongxuan's mother.

She offered a million yuan as soon as she arrived, telling Qiao Qi to leave Lin Zongxuan.

However, she had never been with Lin Zongxuan from the start. How was she to leave him?

Lin Lan looked at Qiao Qi's sincere gaze, then let out snorted moments later.

"You think by deceiving me like this, I would change my impression of you?" She put away the check and pen, stood up, and gazed down at Qiao Qi.

"Just give up! I will never allow a peasant to be with my son! This one million right here is my final offer. Take it and get out of my son's life! Otherwise, I will make you wish you were dead!"

After saying that, she left proudly.

Qiao Qi scoffed bitterly as she watched her leave.

She had only known that Lin Zongxuan was from a pretty good family, but she never knew what they did for a living. Seeing how vigilant his mother was, she concluded that his family had to be either wealthy or noble.

However, she had never felt anything for Lin Zongxuan. His mother's worries were completely unnecessary.

Qiao Qi took the check and left the cafe, she wandered aimlessly on the street. She came to a lake, and looked at how it sparkled, then sighed softly.

There was no doubt that the one million yuan from Lin Lan could help to solve the urgent situation of her family. However, she could not accept that money.

No matter how poor she was, she still had to keep her dignity!

She tore the check into shreds and tossed it into the trash can! She had to find another way to raise funds for the operation, but who else could she ask for help?

Qiao Qi lowered her head, and walked slowly along the lake with her mind filled with worry.

At that exact moment, a car with flashing headlights sped towards her from the front, the driver honked at her as a warning. Qiao Qi was shocked and took a step back subconsciously, but because she had lost her balance, she fell backwards!

There were no railings around the lake. With a scream, Qiao Qi fell right into the lake!


An ear-piercing screech of the brakes sounded. A cold, noble-looking man stepped out of the car.

He quickly took off his suit and jumped into the lake...


The next day, Qiao Qi woke up under the rays of the sun.

As soon as she opened his eyes, a gorgeous crystal chandelier came to sight.

The room was decorated luxuriously, magnificence and splendour exuded from every corner.

Such an unfamiliar environment stunned Qiao Qi for a moment. She got up from the European-style double bed immediately, looked down, and suddenly exclaimed!

The cheap T-shirt she had worn on the night before had been replaced with a silk nightdress!

Who was the one who helped her change her clothes?

She remembered that on the night before, she had been shocked by the honks of a car, and accidentally fell into the lake. Just when she was about to drown, she felt a hand grab her suddenly, then she fell into darkness.

Who was it that had saved her?

Just as she was feeling puzzled, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Miss, are you awake?" It was a clear and steady voice of a man, which sounded very comfortable to the ears.

Qiao Qi stared at the door, guessing that the man behind it was probably her saviour. She got out of bed and walked barefoot to the door to open it, only to see a handsome young man looking at her with a smile.

"Miss, are you feeling alright? Do you need a doctor?"

Qiao Qi shook her head and replied, "I'm alright. Were you the one who saved me last night? Thank you."

The man shook his head with a smile and handed her a business card. "It wasn't me, it was my boss. He accidentally honked at you last night and frightened you, causing you to fall into the lake. I'm here to apologise to you on his behalf."

"If you're feeling any discomfort in the future, feel free to contact me. We will take full responsibility of it."

Qiao Qi looked at the business card, which read: "Su Zhe. Assistant to the president of the Gu Group."

She was shocked.

The Gu Group was the wealthiest company in C City, the backbone of Asia's economy, ranked in the top 50 of the world's wealthiest companies list. It was a top-tier aristocratic family.

Gu Zhizhou, the president of the Gu Group, was the dream man of thousands of girls in C City!

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